1. All entries may be submitted for any of the Nailympion competitions multiple times.
2. Once the entree has taken 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in any division at any of the Nailympion competitions it cannot longer be submitted.
3. No repeat trophied entries from past years are allowed.
4. Pictures will be available from past competitions for judge’s reference.
5. The Fantasy competition will be prepared by the competitor prior to the competition.
6. The model must be complete with the costume, make-up and nails on. The model should be completely finished and reading for judging when arrived.
7. It is not necessary for the competitor to be present during the actual judging. Competitors that are competing in other competitions during the time of judging May choose to present their model and then leave them for judging so that they can still compete in the hands on competition taking place at the same time.
Rules, Judges Instruction & Criteria

8. Only the model and competitor are allowed on the competition floor for judging.
9. Every competitor should be prepared to verbally explain how something was created, if asked by the judges.
10. Competitors may only submit their own work.
11. All entrees may be questioned and the competitor asked to recreate a portion of the work submitted as proof.
12. Three dimensional, pre-cast embellishments, feathers, decals, gems, accessories, ornaments or any form of fantasy is allowed.
13. Keep in mind the costume is a large part of this competition.
14. This competition stresses creativity, difficulty and how well the theme of the entire design is recognizable and “makes sense” or goes together, all adding to the theme.
15. Total points 140.
16. Criteria:
- Level of Difficulty, 20 points.
- Composition, 10 points.
- Balance, 10 points.
- Use of Color, 10 points.
- Continuity of Theme, 10 points.
- Graphic Quality, 10 points.
- Clarity of Design, 10 points.
- Originality, 10 points.
- Overall Workmanship, 10 points.
- Total impresion, 10 points.
- Creativity, 10 points.
- Costume, 10 points.
- 3-D Presentation, 10 points.