Rules, Judges Instruction & Criteria


  1. 1 hand competition. Time allowed is 1 hour (60 minutes)
  2. This is a competition with one tone or shade of color product is used to create the entire application. The extension of the nail must be at minimum of 1 cm and no longer than 1.5cm from the top of the natural nails Distal Edge.
  3.  Gel or Acrylic  sculpted nails to be created.  Any type of gel or acrylics may be used.
  4. Cover shades or Natural should be used.
  5.  The nails are expected to be thin (1.5mm maximum in the center of the the nails Free edge where it meets between zone 2 & 3. (See Zone Diagram). The structure is well contoured within the interior (concave) and exterior (convex) and the tip of the free edge should have a symmetric and concentric shape ( c-curve) in the structure.
  6. The Free edge shape is extreme square.
  7. The competitor must sculpt the nails with forms. No tips allowed and no dual systems
  8. Forms are allowed to be pre-cut and prepared before the events. Metal supports are allowed. Doubling of forms are allowed. Cutting forms are allowed.
  9. The nails should be shined with gel sealer or top coat
  10.  Cuticle oil is allowed but must be well massaged into the nail. There must not be excessive amount of oil dripping off the finger or there will be a point deduction for underside.
  11. All Dust needs to be well removed. Water and soap may be used to clean. Compressed air may also be used to blow away dust.
  12. No glue is allowed in this sculptured competition. Keep it off the table to prevent warning that can lead to point deductions
  13. Electric files are allowed, but competitor must supply their own machine, electrical cords and adaptors.  Electric file oil and all types of bits
  14. Pinching tools, c-curve stick and all types of tools used to create a proper structure are allowed.
  15. Points are earned by following the criteria correctly.
  16. All general rules apply to this competition.
  17. Total possible points is the same for all divisions. 125


  • Convex
  • Concave
  • Arch and Apex
  • Free Edge Thickness
  • Sidewalls
  • Lateral Side Extension
  • Surface & Shine
  • Nail Shape
  • Length
  • Underside
  • Cuticles Area
  • Form Fit
  • C-curve