1. The theme is free.
2. The competitor may present more than two works, but must pay each fee.
3. The art must be applied to an alternative decorative surface, like pins, broches, key holders, plates, etc. No more than 10 cm hide.
4. More than 3 different nail art materials are required, like in Mix Media competition.
5. Design shall not change the original use or nature of the base product (decorative surface).
Competition Rules, Judges Instruction & Criteria

6. Works shall be attached to a board or box. Boards or boxes should not be larger than 20 x 14 cm. These should have a black, white or transparent background.
7. Competitor should employ 3 of 5 techniques: Airbrushing, acrylic, gel, micro art – hand painting, nail art embellishments such as rhinestones, pearls, bullion, foils and crushed shells. Failure to use 3 separate art media will result in a 5 point deduction to their final score.
8. Gels, acrylics, adhesives, silk, polishes, glitters, rhinestones, pearls, holographics, bullion are allowed.
9. Completed shape product (pre made products) are not allowed.
10. All general rules apply to this competition.
11. Total possible points 110.
12. Criteria:
- Level of difficulty
- Composition
- Balance
- Use of color
- Continuity of theme
- Graphic Quality
- Clarity of design
- Originality
- Media
- Overall workmanship