Rules, instructions and criteria of judges

Stamping Tip Boxes is a submitted competition.
- The workwill be done onTips and placed on a black background.
- The tips should not be united, they must be separated.
- A set of 5 manicure tips should be created with a maximum length of 2.5- to 3cm. and these should reflect the different sizes of natural nails. Example of a good variety oft ips: larger size 0 or 1. Tips in the middle 2, 3 or 4. smaller tip 5. Anyone who uses single size tips will have an automatic 5 -points deduction on the final score.
- Competitors can use Different Stamping Techniques such as: Stamping,, Reverse Stamping, Layer Technique. SEMI -PERMANENT GEL COLOR, STAMPING POLISH CAN ALSO BE USED. Products such as Chromed Pigments or aurora Boreal can also be used. Rhinestones (Brilliant) can be applied but no more than 3 units per nail. You can create a background with different colors.
- Spider gel (Spider Gel) is not allowed. Decoles, Stickers, Pearls, Fabrics, Foil, Transfers or other pre made Elements are not alowed. You can not use Techniques such : Hand painting , Aerography or oher Nail decoration techniques.
- Points will be deduces for break the rules.
- The work must have current and trend designs and must be presented in a box with a black background and can be opened. The box should not measure more than 10 to 15 cm.
- To finish the work you can use gel sealer with brightness or matt. You must added to the work a short Text in English or spanish to explain the different tecniques and products used. The text must be attached to the box.
- Any additional design on the work or the box will not be valued.
- Total score: 90 points. Each nail can earn 2 points.

- Level of difficulty: 10 points.
- Color theory: 10 points.
- Creativity: 10 points.
- Total impression: 10 points.
- Theme: 10 points.
- The work look clean: 10 points.
- Composition: 10 points.
- Media: 10 points.
- Originality: 10 points.